Observing and wondering about people in general was always something that I liked doing. I often question myself about what it takes to build a human being and found in my work with art a way to study and develop ideas in that matter. Looking at my own experiences and realising that the many small and big choices I made throughout life are the “thing” that built me into who I am brought me much closer to the idea of impermanence, interference and memory.
We are, after all, an ever-changing reality, an infinite overlap of existences, moments, experiences and ideas. We become ourselves every second at the same time we let that self go to become something else.
Each moment is an important layer on the construction of a more complex and complete version of us.

I translate these thoughts by allowing experimentation to have a big part in my practice. Each piece is a cycle of action and reaction that evolves with each layer added.
Free-flowing paint, graphite markings, scraping, tearing, stitching. Exploring textures and watching different materials react with one another mixes with meticulous pencil drawing to create a conversation between intent and chance that goes on until it’s impossible to tell which is which.
We are not one image, but the sum of all the experiences we go through. We are the interference of one instant over the next.

The Creative Process
Join my community on Instagram and follow the day-today process of creating each one of my artworks. | Siga meu perfil no Instagram para acompanhar o dia a dia da criação de cada uma das minhas obras.

Porta-Voz, Galeria Plexi
Group show Espelhos | Coletiva Espelhos - Museu Nacional dos Correios, Brasília, BR
Group show Espelhos | Coletiva Espelhos - Centro Cultural dos Correios de Niterói, BR
Group show Bela Bienal | Coletiva Bela Bienal - Centro Cultural dos Correios de São Paulo, BR
Two-person show Porta-Voz | Dupla Porta-Voz - Galeria Plexi, São Paulo, BR
Art Salon | Salão de Artes - IX Salão Internacional de Artes Visuais SINAP/AIAP - São Paulo, BR
Group show | Coletiva - Eixo Arte 2019 - Galeria Eixo Arte, Rio de Janeiro, BR
Group show | Coletiva - Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo, Rio de Janeiro, BR
Group show | Coletiva - Mostra Brasil Observer - Consulado brasileiro, Londres, UK
Solo show | Individual - Em tanto Avesso - Galeria Daniel Bellora, Pelotas, BR

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